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Why do small and medium-sized freemium game developers use game analytics?

The increased use of the freemium business model and the introduction of new tools have made analytics pervasive in the video game industry. The research on game analytics is scant and descriptive. Thus, reasons for employing game analytics are not well understood. In this study, we analyze data collected with a set of in-depth interviews from small and medium-sized freemium game developers. The results show that game analytics is used to 1) assist design, 2) to reduce the risks associated with launching new games, and 3) to communicate with investors and publishers. Our analysis reveals an interesting tensions between game development as a create process and the importance of performance measurement. The study advances the research on the business value of game analytics.

The full paper can be found from my ResearchGate profile

Bibliographic information

Koskenvoima, Antti & Mäntymäki, Matti (2015) “Why do small and medium-size freemium game developers use game analytics?” In proceedings of the 14th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society (I3E2015), Delft, The Netherlands, 13-15 October (Conference Best Paper Award)